"Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." (Proverbs 13:12)
Are you longing for your marriage to be restored?
If you're new to this blog, I want you to know that there IS HOPE for your marriage! No matter how overwhelming your pain is if you've been cheated on. No matter how much you hate yourself, feel unworthy of forgiveness and believe that you can't change if you've done the cheating. Even if you've already filed for divorce, there is still hope.
How can I say this?
Because my marriage is a living testimony to God's grace, forgiveness, and His power to heal and to restore.
Nothing about our journey has been easy, but I stand here looking back at what I've done in the past and my life has been put into perspective.
Within the big picture -
I am a human being, created in God's image (Genesis 1:27). I have sinned (meaning I have done wrong in the eyes of God by failing to live up to His perfect measure of holiness). I had a broken relationship with Him (Romans 3:23). I repented (meaning I changed my ways and turned away from my sins). I confessed my sins and have been forgiven (1 John 1:9). Now I am walking in His grace, in a relationship with Him (John 1:12).
Within the smaller picture -
That process in and of itself wasn't some kind of mystical formula that instantly restored my marriage. As humans, we still struggle against pride, as well as wrestle with shame and unworthiness issues. I am so thankful that my wife was able and willing to stay the incredibly painful course.
Please remember that pain and difficulty doesn't equate to an impossibility. While in context, Jesus was talking about the difficulties of the rich (those who place their faith and hope in money) being saved/entering the Kingdom of God, He did say, "with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26). I would argue that same truth has complete relevance in the area of marital restoration.
If you need help or prayer, I have a list of resources on my main site: Forgiven Cheater
Another option - you can always post a response on any of my blog entries.
Or, you can email me directly.
God Bless You
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